It’s working


My plan of pissing off my Dad is working but I’ve decided that it may be a bit too far to come out as it makes coming out seem like nothing and not a big deal so that’s off the table I still think it would have pissed him off though.

My condom trap is working he is curtain I’m trying to have sex next is pretend that I’ve got a girlfriend (unfortunately I haven’t) without saying directly to him I’ve got a girlfriend and being “very secretive” about it.

But back to more interesting things I’m turning 16 in less than a month and I’m brewing up some ginger beer to fit with my ginger hair. I’m clearing out my house and having a small ragger out back. I’m trying to find my step sister so I can ask for some cheap ass vodka, Sambuca or some shit and that’s when I gonna make some kickass jello shots hell yeah. I’ll get some of my friends to bring other shit and get my Mum to get some premixed cocktails for the people who don’t like beer or vodka.

Now I just have to clear out my house as it is fucking messy. And try to work out how I’m not gonna invite these guys who I’ve been friends with for years but they’ve either turned into complete dicks and just try to get shit from you (mostly money or legal highs; which I’m trying to get rid of without just putting it in the bin because that shit smells bad and my Mum knows the smell of literally every mind altering substance in existence as she works with a lot of addicts and is helping them get better which is probably why I’m trying to become a psychiatrist as some of the stories are so hilarious and surreal). And the others have fallen out with the friends I’ve known for longer and hang with a hell of a lot more. So that’s gonna be awkward.

On another epic note I have found…wait for it…the easiest way to get a girlfriend in the whole of space and time. It’s almost too simple…find the friend with the most game and is constantly talking to 5 different girls and is reeling in all of them whilst they now about each other. Then you just say…set me up with someone. Is that it?? Yeah pretty much. You have to ask someone you trust or they’ll just take the piss out of you for fuck knows how long. And if you let people know your looking rather than secretly focusing on one person or whatever because then people are loads more open with you. I don’t suggest this for girls as you’ll just get hit on the whole time no matter what you look like. Seriously I know a girl who almost literally everyone hates her guts (I don’t mind her but anyway) because she is so annoying, is constantly seeking attention, is suicidal, and don’t look good (well she’s no Jaba the hut but still) and just after people heard she was looking for a boyfriend after she broke up with some guy who no one even knows exists; guys have been flocking towards her even choosing her over some of the fittest people in the year in a theoretical game (who would you rather x or y type game you know what I’m talking about).

Anyway hopefully that’ll go well.

Bye thanks for reading, and I’m sorry this is badly edited; I wanted to get another post out as you can probably tell I’m pretty busy at the mo and wont be able to for a week or two.